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INPACT Sponsorship – Consat

INPACT Support


Founded in 1989 INPACT is an international association of independent accounting firms focused on contributing to the profitability and success of member firms worldwide. The INPACT Group has over 160 member firms in in some 250 locations in more than 70 countries.


INPACT only admits firms which can prove they know their local jurisdiction like the back of their hand and which have experience of handling matters that have international dimensions. The members embrace a service culture that emphasizes personal service, rapid response times, reliability and innovative thinking.


INPACT membership helps accountancy firms to meet the challenge of providing added value services to clients in today’s fast moving, global business environment and enables firms to continue to provide the personal service favored by clients, combined with the strength of a major alliance of like-minded practices.


INPACT member firms are able to provide clients with professional services of a consistently high quality, tailored to individual needs and delivered across international boundaries. By talking freely to counterparts INPACT members can find prompt and innovative solutions to problems at home and abroad.